Category: FOODS

In Japan, McDonald's Milkshake And Pudding Is An U...

Japan is well known for being a food travel destination. From sushi with the freshest seafood to ram

The future of food science in Japan...

Food for a long and healthy life When it comes to the health benefits of a traditional Japanese diet

Japanese enraged by sushi diner food prank videos...

Videos of unhygienic pranks at sushi belt restaurants in Japan have forced chains to instate ... pas

Japan welcomes UK's £10m cooked poultry meat deal...

British cooked poultry meat will soon reach Japanese tables as part of a new market access deal wort

Revealed: the top 100 most innovative companies in...

Using GlobalData’s unique data and analysis we can reveal which companies have made the top 100 in

I’m 47 but people think I’m decades younger â€...

WE all want to maintain our youthful appearance for as long as possible.  And buying anti-ageing cr


Dessert sushi has become the latest trend to take over social media as savvy home cooks have whipped

Japan's prime minister tours Philippine patrol shi...

Japan’s prime minister boarded a Philippine patrol ship on Saturday in a symbolic show of support

What is a food chain?...

Producers covert energy from the Sun into food. Lions are the top predator in their food chain. Chan

As Vegemite turns 100, an A to Z of the top foods ...

When living abroad, Australians can’t help but crave the nostalgic taste of Vegemite on toast. As

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